Friday, September 25, 2009


It was indeed a memorable day. Cause it was her birthday :D who her?
there... this pretty girl here. lol. *OPEN YOUR EYES BIG BIG*

we really wanna apologize for standing you up on your birthday. sorry :)
nvm la. I promise we won't buy you dolls and fluffy stuff. I think you'd received lots of that right? lol. We'll get you very nice present. haha. Be eager to see xD

when did we take this pic? ignore my ugly face. lol. look at the 2 gorgeous ones on d right side ^^
time really flies... you chged your hairstyle d. E:
Anyway, happy birthday and all the best in everything you do :D
That morning we went to yv's house to practise for d performance =,=
guess what? i saw something very shocking in shuen's phone. lol.
too bad cannot tell . later today midnight shuen standing beside my bed.
i duwan heart attack xD
shuen, dun emo.. let the bygones be bygones xD
think of me i guarantee you laugh until cannot stop :D
gtg. *py*

Thursday, September 24, 2009

yea... dead blog. lol. where're wq and yv? busy playing or studying? =,= let's go out :D

shuen : i go your house now.. together with my dog. lol
my bro named her dog "yishuen" since she said you can call her anything =,=

"yishuen's" mum

"yishuen" and shuen.

BANG! jm's dog acting dead. lol

talented baby plying piano. lol.

=,= red and blue nails.


boring... wan movies? lol. call me. *py*

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Py's 16 bday and outing with von.

lol. Went to buy presents for genie and hx. They better buy us nice nice presents next year! xD jk. Shopped for many hours. Then stopped by to watch ice hockey international competition. A lot guai lou... Wanted to watch final destination but tak jadi prank. bloody indian guy. lol. Ask me in school xD Pictures bout how i celebrated my bday =,=

see how i celebrated my bday with ccy they all. kesian tak? =,=

jq says cannot smile. lol

sundae! =D

my dear von.

pressie from wq, yv, genie and muayyad. :D

hx! :)

My bday cake from jx wq schew ee and the rest . the stupid girl's idea to name me phui xD who r?

i ate one quarter of the cake xD

artistic one. E:


My girls. lol


schew ee and i sesat ==

adorable xD

bros acting cool but failed. lol

I cut my hair! new hair style xD

tired. night^^



Hey! i'm back :D Sorry for procrastinating to upload those pics. I was kinda busy after i came back, or maybe you should call it lazy :) yeah back to the point, i went to maldives during the hols. Nice trip i guess. Nothing much to do actually-tennis, table tennis,badminton, swimming, snorkeling, chess, snooker, karaoke, gym... All those stuff lo . It's better for couples to go together though, not family. "hey! this is the place junpyo and jandi went! Oi! the place jandi and jihoo kissed!" that was what wq and yv claimed after i came back. =,= Why didn't i know? lol.

Ti Jia Min

jihoo and jandi kissed here meh? cannot remember . lol


view from the sea plane. Couldn't find the heart shape island junpyo showed jandi.

My room.

The bath room. Too big, kinda scary at night.


Outside my room. *Look left, ang mo couple.. Look right, also ang mo couple ><*

Read a book while sunbathing.

Ti Jia Wei.

dessert. jealous? xD

seafood bbq as dinner on the beach.


Reflection pool for above 16 xD

Family pool.

Pretty Angelina and naughty Rory.

ignore that two fatty. lol.
i think this was the place where junpyo and jandi sat. Junpyo gazed at jandi and he couldn't take her eyes of her. Jandi's features were delicate yet pronounced, like a china doll. He couldn't help but stared. Jandi kissed him. Perfectly, his skin glowed like the sun gleaming. His lips curved into a sexy smile. LOL. got that part r? no i think =,= i cannot remember le T,T i merely remember them sitting on the chairs with beautiful decorated table on the beach. =,=
need to watch again xD

The wedding table :)

Bro caught them.

waiting outside my room while waiting for buggy to fetch us @@

Third day's sunset.

Forth day's sunset.

Starfish and hermit crab.
blueish and crystal clear.

can you see the air taxi?

Pj tak pergi. Sad case.

yucks! Have you seen such big tuna fish? =,= jq's "favourite"...

If you're thinking of going to maldives, please think twice. Cause i think if you wanna go snorkeling and see fish, malaysia's pulaus will be much more better. But no doubt, the facilities there were very good. The bath room was bigger than my living room. >.<

k la, gtg. bye^^
