Sunday, September 6, 2009

Py's 16 bday and outing with von.

lol. Went to buy presents for genie and hx. They better buy us nice nice presents next year! xD jk. Shopped for many hours. Then stopped by to watch ice hockey international competition. A lot guai lou... Wanted to watch final destination but tak jadi prank. bloody indian guy. lol. Ask me in school xD Pictures bout how i celebrated my bday =,=

see how i celebrated my bday with ccy they all. kesian tak? =,=

jq says cannot smile. lol

sundae! =D

my dear von.

pressie from wq, yv, genie and muayyad. :D

hx! :)

My bday cake from jx wq schew ee and the rest . the stupid girl's idea to name me phui xD who r?

i ate one quarter of the cake xD

artistic one. E:


My girls. lol


schew ee and i sesat ==

adorable xD

bros acting cool but failed. lol

I cut my hair! new hair style xD

tired. night^^


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