Friday, September 25, 2009


It was indeed a memorable day. Cause it was her birthday :D who her?
there... this pretty girl here. lol. *OPEN YOUR EYES BIG BIG*

we really wanna apologize for standing you up on your birthday. sorry :)
nvm la. I promise we won't buy you dolls and fluffy stuff. I think you'd received lots of that right? lol. We'll get you very nice present. haha. Be eager to see xD

when did we take this pic? ignore my ugly face. lol. look at the 2 gorgeous ones on d right side ^^
time really flies... you chged your hairstyle d. E:
Anyway, happy birthday and all the best in everything you do :D
That morning we went to yv's house to practise for d performance =,=
guess what? i saw something very shocking in shuen's phone. lol.
too bad cannot tell . later today midnight shuen standing beside my bed.
i duwan heart attack xD
shuen, dun emo.. let the bygones be bygones xD
think of me i guarantee you laugh until cannot stop :D
gtg. *py*

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